Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New Year=Motivation

Happy New Year!  I guess I'm one of those who let the craziness of the holidays and winter break get the best of me.  My last post was two months ago...oops!  I'm hoping everyone had a great holiday!  I figured it was time to get back on the blogging train and get going with posting again...and hopefully gain some motivation to keep at it!!   When the new year comes around, we all think about what can we improve on, what will our resolutions be, etc.  I don't know about you, but I need some motivation in a lot of areas! LOL!  Along with my first graders, we are trying to get back in the swing of things this week.  We just got back from winter break on Monday after having two and a half weeks off!  Therefore, we're all trying to remember our routines and how to make it through a full day again (no snacks every hour, no mid day naps).

To my surprise, my kiddos have been doing great at remembering our routines!  But, as expected, the excitement of coming back and sharing what they did over break and with the shock of having to wake up early, we've had to work on those listening skills, showing good behavior and strengthening our stamina!

During this time of the year I usually read the story Stranger in the Woods.    Along with the story, I have my snowman friend aka: the stranger accompany me while I read it.

After I read the story today, I decided to change things up a bit!  For the rest of the day, the snowman was moved around to different students who showed appropriate behavior and who was putting forth great effort!  

Everyone worked hard to have the snowman visit their desk today!  While not everyone got a turn yet, we still have the rest of the week!   So, the stranger in the woods was a little motivator for all of the first graders!  Let's see how the rest of the week goes!  

Again, for those who this blog may get to, I appreciate you taking the time to read it!  Please share it with your friends/teacher friends!  I hope I'm able to give some ideas or tips along the way!  Thank you so much for your support!  
Happy Wednesday!!

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